Pocket watches have remained popular for more than one hundred years. Such a thing has a rich history and requires a modern person to observe certain traditions. At the same time, watches on a chain do not remain aloof from fashion trends, so everyone can bring something of their own in the peculiarities of their use.
They always look unusual and exclusive, emphasize individuality, which is appreciated all over the world today. If it is difficult to add something of your own to a wristwatch, then pocket watches give free rein to the imagination: on their lid, you can embody any pattern or decor.
Pocket watches are always associated with history and art, so often, their owners treat them more reverently than wristwatches. Modern watches with a chain do not require special care. If the mechanism does not need to be wound by hand, then all you have to do is wipe the case as it gets dirty and maintain a metallic shine. Beauty, originality, and ease of use have become the main advantages of pocket watches, which are still appreciated worldwide today.
The following are some general rules for pocket watch owners:
Be careful
In many cases, pocket watches are kept as an heirloom. Owning such an accessory is a great statement to the public that shows that your family is associated with high class and style that money cannot buy. If you are lucky enough to have such a thing, consider using it directly as a functional and stylish attribute of your appearance - that is, for its intended purpose.
Remember, heritage watches are usually unique. Make sure you are truly willing to take the risk and carry them around with you instead of leaving them safe at home.
To avoid any possibility of losing your watch, carefully check the connection of the watch to the chain, and carefully attach the end of the chain to a button or buttonhole. This process is described in more detail below.
Fix your watch
A watch that hasn't been used in years is unstable or doesn't work at all. If the machine breaks down, nothing should deter you from seeking help from a watchmaker - just look for a reputable repair shop with a good reputation among the customers.
- Sending a watch for repairs by mail is quite normal, especially if you are sure that the result will be at the highest level.
- A broken or inaccurate watch can also be worn as an accessory, but you must admit that you will feel silly, pulling it out of your pocket to "know the time."
Clean your watch
Look for a special metal polish and thoroughly clean and polish your device. Almost all pocket watches will fade at the edges and become scratched over time from frequent use, but you shouldn't have a problem with polishing, a soft cloth, and a little effort to make them look decent.

If the watch is engraved, be sure to clean the grooves just as thoroughly. Removing dirt trapped in the thread of a design or lettering can have an impressive effect on a watch's appearance.
The watch requires constant care and cleaning. The hand-wound movement must be wound up every 24-30 hours and cleaned at least twice a week. Remember to remove dirt and grease from the surface and polish the case. Then the metal will retain its shine, and the mechanism will serve for a long time.
Wear Pocket watch or Wristwatch
A pocket watch should not be worn at the same time as a wristwatch. For the safety and protection of glass in a pocket, it is customary to turn the dial towards the body. It is also not recommended to carry objects together in the same pocket that can damage the metal - coins, keys, and other trifles.
Style Of Clothing
It is also worth paying attention to the correspondence of the style of clothing to the watch. An antique or antique watch should not be worn with jeans and a T-shirt. For this, a classic suit is more appropriate.
It has long been customary to carry a pocket watch in a vest pocket. In the 17th century, the appearance of a new model influenced fashion trends - designers began to create vests and trousers with a special pocket.
If you can't fix the chain in this way, then you can use special leather holders. They are equipped with additional attachments that fit any type of clothing. As a rule, the case chain and keychain are made of the same metal, but today it is important to have several spare chains made of different materials. For everyday use, a regular leather strap is also suitable.
Follow these rules and enhance your look!
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